My foundation programme preferences
This is the email address we will use to send your preference sheet, and communicate with you.
Please include all preferences for either/both hospital and specialty e.g. “St. George’s Hospital London, Cardiology, Acute Internal Medicine”. Each time a 'Prefer' item is found within a programme, it is awarded a point. This means if a job was found that included all 3 of the example preferred criteria, it would be awarded 3 points. PLEASE USE FULL HOSPITAL NAME AND LOCATION.
Please include all preferences for either/both hospital and specialty e.g. “St. George’s Hospital London, Cardiology, Acute Internal Medicine”. Each time an 'Absolutely yes' criterion is identified the programme will go to the top of your list whilst maintaining point order. PLEASE USE FULL HOSPITAL NAME AND LOCATION. This is useful if there is a specfic rotation or hospital you absolutely want above all other jobs/hospitals.
Please include all preferences for either/both hospital and specialty e.g. “St. George’s Hospital London, Cardiology, Acute Internal Medicine”. No points are awarded to 'Prefer Not' items, however, any programme containing that criterion will be flagged. PLEASE USE FULL HOSPITAL NAME AND LOCATION.
Please include all preferences for either/both hospital and specialty e.g. “St. George’s Hospital London, Cardiology, Acute Internal Medicine”. Each time an 'Absolutely Not' criterion is identified the programme will go to the bottom of your list whilst maintaining point order. PLEASE USE FULL HOSPITAL NAME AND LOCATION.
Please include preferences for particular jobs/hospitals in either FY1 or FY2 if any. E.g. "FY2 O&G" "FY1 A&E" "FY1 St Georges Hospital" PLEASE USE FULL HOSPITAL NAME AND LOCATION.
If there are any other requests please let us know. We do not guarantee requests in this box will be followed through but we will try
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
It is your responsibility to ensure the spreadsheet provided is the most up to date version and is the spreadsheet for your deanery. File must have the extension of .csv, .xls, or .xlsx