Trauma and orthopaedics – Exam Cram
Ready? No? Oh well – GO GO GO
Dr Innocent Ogunmwonyi will take you through 15 single best answer questions provided by Pastest.
Each question carefully selected to tease out high yield learning points to ensure you are truly exam ready.
Questions in this series are proudly provided by Pastes+
Dr Innocent Ogunmwonyi
Junior doctor
Hi, my name is Innocent and i am a current Foundation Year 2 Doctor rotating through Trauma and Orthopaedics, and the official StudyHub Trauma and Orthopaedics Educator! Orthopaedics is an interesting, complex and (most importantly) FUN subject covering major trauma, minor injuries and everything in between, where you can apply the concepts of biomechanics and physics to a procedure to instantly improve a patient’s quality of life! Hopefully i can rub off some of my enthusiasm to you through our StudyHub sessions!
Have you caught up on the our Clinical Knowledge series?
Exam Cram’s are designed to help you recap and revise what you already know. Head to our Clinical Knowledge series on this topic to understand the content further.
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